Oracle interMedia Image Quick Start

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 · 0 comments

Oracle interMedia Image Quick Start

Object Interface Introduction

Oracle interMedia (“interMedia”) is a feature that enables Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle interMedia extends Oracle Database reliability, availability, and data management to multimedia content in traditional, Internet, electronic commerce, and media-rich applications.
This article provides simple PL/SQL examples that upload, store, manipulate, and export image data inside a database using interMedia. Some common pitfalls are also highlighted. We assume only Oracle Database release 9i or later with Oracle interMedia installed (the default configuration provided by Oracle Universal Installer).
NOTE: Access to an administrative account is required in order to grant the necessary file system privileges. In the following examples, you should change the command connect / as sysdba to the appropriate connect username/password as sysdba for your site. The following examples also connect to the database using connect scott/tiger, which you should change to an actual user name and password on your system. You should also modify the definition of IMGDIR to point at the directory where you have downloaded the three
sample image files goats.gif, flowers.jpg, and dummy.dcm.

Overview of ORDImage
Oracle can store image data in either a Binary Large OBject (“BLOB”) column or an ORDImage object column. Some of the advantages of using the ORDImage object are:
1. Tight integration with Oracle’s development tools such as Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Content
Management SDK, Oracle Application Server Portal, and so on.
2. Information such as height and width is automatically determined and stored with the image data.
An example of an ORDImage object in a database table is illustrated in the following diagram.

number ORDImage ORDImage
height (integer)
width (integer)
contentLength (integer)
fileFormat (varchar2)
contentFormat (varchar2)
mimeType (varchar2)
source (ORDSource)
Creating a Table with an ORDImage Column
First, we create a simple table with two columns: a numeric identifier (id) and an ORDSYS.ORDImage object (image). Note that all interMedia objects and procedures are defined in the ORDSYS schema.
connect scott/tiger
create table image_table (id number primary key, image ordsys.ordimage);
Importing Images
This section shows how to bring images from the file system into the newly created table named image_table.
1. Create a directory object within the database that points to the file system directory that contains the sample image files. This is the directory where you saved the image files included with this quickstart. connect / as sysdba
create or replace directory imagedir as '/home/alamb/quickstart/';
-- For windows: create or replace directory imagedir as 'c:\quickstart';
grant read on directory imagedir to scott;
2. Create a PL/SQL procedure image_import() that inserts a new row into image_table and then imports the image data in filename into the newly created ORDImage object.
create or replace procedure image_import(dest_id number, filename varchar2) is img ordsys.ordimage;
ctx raw(64) := null;
delete from image_table where id = dest_id;
insert into image_table (id, image)
values (dest_id, ordsys.ordimage.init())
returning image into img;
img.importFrom(ctx, 'file', 'IMAGEDIR', filename);
update image_table set image=img where id=dest_id;
3. Call the newly created procedure to import 2 sample image files.
call image_import(1,’flowers.jpg’);
call image_import(2,’goats.gif’);
NOTE: The directory object is named IMAGEDIR (in uppercase letters) even if it was created with upper or lower case letters. Thus the command img.importFrom(ctx, 'file', 'imagedir', filename); will not work and the following error is returned.
ORA-22285: non-existent directory or file for FILEOPEN operation error.
NOTE: If the image you are importing is not one of interMedia’s supported formats (for example JPEG2000) the following error is returned. ORA-29400: data cartridge error IMG-00705: unsupported or corrupted input format
For information on the use of interMedia to manage non-natively supported image formats, see the appendix.
Selecting and Viewing Image Properties
Once image_table has been populated, you can access image metadata using SQL queries. In the following example, we demonstrate how to select some information from the imported images:
1. Height and width.
2. File format and compression format.
3. Content format (RGB, grayscale, and so on) and content length (bytes of image data).
connect scott/tiger
select id,
from image_table t;
select id,
from image_table t;
select id,
from image_table t;
The resulting output looks like the following (the formatting commands are in the included script files).
id height width
---------- ---------- ----------
1 600 800
2 375 500
id fileformat compression
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
id contentformat length
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
1 24BITRGB 66580
2 8BITLUTRGBT 189337
Creating Thumbnails and Changing Formats
We next illustrate some image processing operations that can be invoked within the database. To generate a new ORDImage object from an existing one, the programmer describes the desired properties of the new image. For example, the following description generates a JPEG thumbnail image of size 75x100 pixels:
‘fileformat=jfif fixedscale=75 100’.
NOTE: Some three-letter image file extensions and the corresponding interMedia fileformat are as follows.
Extension fileformat
.jpg JFIF (9i, 10g), JPEG (10g)
.gif GIFF(9i, 10g), GIF (10g)
.tif, .tiff TIFF
.png PNGF
The following example defines image_processCopy() that adds a new row to image_table with identifier dest_id and generates an ORDImage in the new row by processCopy’ing of the ORDImage in the source row.
connect scott/tiger
create or replace procedure image_processCopy(source_id number, dest_id number, verb varchar2) is
imgSrc ordsys.ordimage;
imgDst ordsys.ordimage;
delete from image_table where id = dest_id;
insert into image_table (id, image)
values (dest_id, ordsys.ordimage.init());
select image into imgSrc from image_table where id = source_id;
select image into imgDst from image_table where id = dest_id for update;
imgSrc.processCopy(verb, imgDst);
update image_table set image = imgDst where id = dest_id;
-- Scale flowers.jpg to 10% into row with id=3
call image_processcopy(1,3,'scale=.1');
-- convert goats.gif to grayscale jpeg thumbnail into row with id=4
call image_processcopy(2,4,'fileformat=jfif contentformat=8bitgray maxscale=100 100');
-- look at our handiwork
column t.image.getfileformat() format A20;
select id, t.image.getWidth(), t.image.getHeight(), t.image.getFileFormat()
from image_table t;
The preceding example generates the following output.
---------- ------------------ ------------------- --------------------
1 800 600 JFIF
2 500 375 GIFF
3 80 60 JFIF
4 100 75 JFIF
NOTE: The following error might be returned from ORDImage.processCopy().
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
IMG-00703: unable to read image data
ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
In Oracle Database release 9i, JPEG (and some other less common formats) encoding and decoding requires the
external procedure agent (extproc). To fix the preceding error, the Oracle Listener needs to be configured to use
extproc. See technical note 198099.1, Configuration of the External Procedure Call for interMedia at for detailed instructions on setting up extproc. Oracle Database release 10g does not
require extproc for JPEG encoding and decoding.
If you do not want to change your Oracle Net configuration, try changing the file format to pngf as follows.
-- convert goats.gif to grayscale png thumnbail
call image_processcopy(2,5,’fileformat=pngf contentformat=8bitgray maxscale=100 100’);
Exporting Images with ORDImage.export()
Exporting image data from the database with interMedia’s export method requires that the database write to the file system. Writing to the file system requires granting JAVA permissions to your user (scott in the examples) and to the ORDSYS* schema as shown in the following example.
connect / as sysdba
create or replace directory imagedir as '/home/alamb/quickstart';
-- For windows:
--create or replace directory imagedir as 'c:\quickstart';
grant read on directory imagedir to scott;
call dbms_java.grant_permission('SCOTT','',
call dbms_java.grant_permission('ORDSYS','',
-- For windows:
--call dbms_java.grant_permission('SCOTT','','c:\quickstart\*','WRITE');
--call dbms_java.grant_permission('ORDSYS','','c:\quickstart\*','WRITE');
connect scott/tiger
-- Writes the image data from ORDImage with id= in image_table
-- to the file named in the IMAGEDIR directory
create or replace procedure image_export (source_id number, filename varchar2) as
imgSrc ordsys.ordimage;
ctx raw(64) := null;
select image into imgSrc from image_table where id = source_id;
imgSrc.export(ctx, 'FILE', 'IMAGEDIR', filename);
call image_export(3, 'flowers_thumbnail.jpg');
call image_export(4, 'goats_grayscale.jpg');
*NOTE: For Oracle Database releases,, and you must change ORDSYS in the preceding export example to ORDPLUGINS. Cleaning Up To restore your database to its original state, you need to remove all of the objects that were created in this quickstart as shown in the following example.
connect / as sysdba
drop directory imagedir;
call dbms_java.revoke_permission('SCOTT','',
call dbms_java.revoke_permission('ORDSYS','',
-- For windows:
--call dbms_java.revoke_permission('SCOTT','', 'c:\quickstart\*','WRITE');
-- call dbms_java.revoke_permission('ORDSYS','','c:\quickstart\*','WRITE');
connect scott/tiger
drop procedure image_import;
drop procedure image_processcopy;
drop procedure image_export;
drop table image_table;
Using the provided ORDImage object type, we have shown how to import images into the database, write SQL queries based on image metadata (width, height, and so on), perform basic image processing, and export images to the file system.
Oracle interMedia provides more functionality than is covered in this quickstart. Refer to the following documentation for more information: Oracle interMedia User’s Guide and Reference, Release 9.0.1, Oracle interMedia Reference, 10g Release 1 (10.1), and Oracle interMedia User’s Guide, 10g Release 1 (10.1).
Additional examples and articles are available on the interMedia web page on the Oracle Technology Network at
APPENDIX: Using interMedia with Non-Natively Supported Image Formats
For image formats that interMedia understands, image properties such as height and width are automatically set when ORDImage.importFrom() is called. For image formats such as JPEG2000 that are not natively supported by interMedia, the metadata fields must be populated by the user. Metadata can be set by updating the fields of an ORDImage object either via a SQL UPDATE statement or with an object field assignment. The following example shows the procedure image_import_other() that imports an image in an unsupported format and sets the ORDImage fields to the values supplied in the arguments.
connect scott/tiger
create or replace procedure image_import_other
(dest_id number, filename varchar2, imgFileFormat varchar2,
imgHeight number, imgWidth number, imgMimeType varchar2) is
img ordsys.ordimage;
ctx raw(64) := null;
delete from image_table where id = dest_id;
insert into image_table (id, image)
values (dest_id, ordsys.ordimage.init());
-- import the actual image data into the database and set the
-- other ORDImage fields manually. Note that setting the filetype
-- to 'OTHER:filetype' causes no auto-setting of fields
select image into img from image_table where id=dest_id for update;
img.fileFormat := 'OTHER:' imgFileFormat;
img.height := imgHeight;
img.width := imgWidth;
img.mimeType := imgMimeType;
img.importFrom(ctx, 'file', 'IMAGEDIR', filename);
img.contentLength := dbms_lob.getlength(img.source.localdata);
update image_table set image=img where id=dest_id;
call image_import_other(6,'dummy.dcm', 'DICOM', 100, 200, 'application/dicom');
-- view the properties we just created (nicely formatted)
column "mimetype" format A20;
select id "id",
t.image.getWidth() "width",
t.image.getHeight() "height",
t.image.getMimeType() "mimetype",
t.image.getContentLength() "length"
from image_table t;
This example produces output similar to the following.
id width height mimetype length
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
1 800 600 image/jpeg 66580
2 500 375 image/gif 189337
3 80 60 image/jpeg 1918
4 100 75 image/jpeg 2156
5 100 75 image/png 5624
6 200 100 application/dicom 183
To cleanup this example, run the following.
connect scott/tiger
drop procedure image_import_other;